Why Scouting?

Ed-Glen Scouting would like to welcome new families to the educational and exciting adventure of Scouting where children and teens spend their time outdoors, camping, swimming, hiking, learning life-saving skills, citizenship, community, conservation, and much, much more! Young people need to serve. Scouting has, from its inception, been deeply rooted in the concept of doing for others. “Do a Good Turn Daily” is a core Scouting precept. 

Cub Scouts (Pack 34): Kindergarten-5th grade 5-10 years old, boys & girls  Scouts BSA (Troop 30): 6th-12th grade11-17 years old, boys & girls

Ed-Glen Scouting

From Line to Eagle!

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Scouting comes with many adventures and outings to create all the programming for our Scouts. While we are supported by our local council we still fund all of our internal programming and outings via fundraising, dues, and donations. In order to keep our scout’s dues and outing costs to a minimum, we offset expenses with fundraisers.